Meeting Listing Change Form

Use this form to report any changes to the listing for an existing meeting. To report a new group or that a group has folded, use the New Group Listing and Group Change form.

Meeting changes should be submitted by the District Committee Member or the District Meeting List Chair. If you’re not sure who that is, please complete the form below and the approvals will be requested before the changes are made.

Select the district in which your meeting will be held.
Note here exactly what is changing. For example, the meeting time is changing from 8:00pm to 7:00pm, if it’s a new meeting, or if this meeting has folded.
Select the day(s) the meeting is held.
Enter the start and end times of your meeting and clearly indicate if it is AM or PM. If the meeting times vary from day to day, list the days and times in the Additional Information box below.
For in-person meetings, enter the name of the building (if it has one). This might be the church, library, or other public building name.
Enter the street address.
For online-only meetings, enter the town where the AA members who started the meeting reside.
Select the options relevant to this meeting.
Enter the service position you hold with the group, district, or area. If none, please enter none.
In case there are questions.
Enter your email address
Add special instructions such as “Second Floor” or “Use Back Door”