District 6 Business Mtg
November 11 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, at the Rutland Regional Medical Center, 160 Allen Street, Rutland, VT 05701 (use Stratton Road entrance) and online:
Meeting ID 202 218 217
Password 48763
Attend a District Business meeting to get involved in AA service at the District level by finding out what’s happening and what’s needed. Experience the AA service structure at work– service will keep you sober!
GSRs from the District are expected to attend, along with Service Committee Chairs and District Officers. All AA members are welcome!
Click here to see a map showing the 11 Districts in Vermont. To find out what District a town is in: The drop-down button for filtering the Meeting listings by District (default label = Everywhere) also shows the towns included in each District (click the + by the District number).